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Showing posts from July, 2019

Admin-web project

Started working on an actual project first have to create a remote branch  adrin@adrian-pc:~/projects/admin-web/admin-web$ git pull  From  * [new branch]      feature/S11-APT-609-download-android-app-bundle -> origin/feature/S11-APT-609-download-android-app-bundle Already up-to-date. adrin@adrian-pc:~/projects/admin-web/admin-web$ git checkout -b feature/S11-APT-610-product-category-visibility-switch-for-webstore Switched to a new branch 'feature/S11-APT-610-product-category-visibility-switch-for-webstore' adrin@adrian-pc:~/projects/admin-web/admin-web$ git push --set-upstream origin feature/S11-APT-610-product-category-visibility-switch-for-webstore  Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) To  * [new branch]      feature/S11-APT-610-product-category-visibility-switch-for-webstore -> feature/S11-APT-610-product-ca...


git is a useful platform for software project management where it gives you speed and efficiency when handling larger or smaller projects. git keeps track of your workflow and editing ,branching , merging and debugging the code is granted to different users. git config git config –global “[name]” git config –global “[email address]” git init  initiates git git clone clones git project to the current directory git add adding files to the staging area. git commit git commit -m “[ Type in the commit message]” records the files in the staging area permanently in the history git diff shows the files differences which are not yet staged git diff –staged This command shows the differences between the files in the staging area and the latest version present. git diff [first branch] [second branch] git commit -a This command commits any files you’ve added with the git add command and also commits any files you’ve changed since ...


Creating a WebAPP of Movies to show Actors and movies Home Page Tabs Movies Actors. Buttons Add movie > movie submit Form Add actor > Actor submit Form Databases/Submit Forms Movies Name Year Genere Actors Description Image Actors Name fname last name  Date of birth  Description 


Serving Web Content with Spring MVC ref: This task was done. Name attribute was given and changed  , so that the when the name is changed it will be displayed Handling Form Submission ref: Steps done Created the relevent directories manually added the pom.xml file Parent as spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.1.6.RELEASE I nserted the dependencies spring-boot-starter-web spring-boot-starter- thymeleaf ( usage of thymeleaf as a java based library was not recommended. Using JSP and JSTL is better.) plugins spring-boot-maven-plugin Made java files.  (Where the GET and POST mapping is done)  (ids setters and getters) (Application starting place) Made the .html files greeting.html (where the submission happens) result.html (where the displaying happens) Making a...


(Create user called newuser and password as 'password') mysql> CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' ; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'newuser'@'localhost' BY 'password'; (creating database called details.) mysql> CREATE DATABASE details; mysql> use details Database changed (creating a Table called example and coloumn names of firstname , lastname ,email all having intermediate length of 100) mysql>CREATE TABLE example (firstname VARCHAR(100),lastname VARCHAR(100) ,email VARCHAR(100)) Next task is to get the data from the data base we created . Creating an spring rest API to communicate through mongoDB and using POSTMAN to check http request. Softwares used: Spring Data Rest Spring Boot Spring rest API server Postman ref: started mongoDB and . Created the called rest_t...

Setting up the Development Environment for Spring Web Projects

The Required Programs For Java Development Environment JDK1.8.0_212 ref link:   (using JDK tar file) Setting the path for jdk1.8.0_212 sudo gedit ~/.profile or sudo vi ~/.profile Add following lines in end export JAVA_HOME =/ usr /bin /java export PATH = $PATH : $HOME / bin : $JAVA_HOME / bin log out and login so that the PATH is set . to check the path you have set .. check the JAVA_HOME variable Always  source ~/.profile source ~/.bashrc   echo $JAVA_HOME which java java -version So that the pc knows any changes have occurred in the respective files. which java  command to find the location of the java   mongoDB curl -O tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.22.tgz mkdir -p mongodb ...


Build a WebApp to calculate BMI mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId = { project-packaging } -DartifactId = { project-name } -DarchetypeArtifactId = { maven-template } -DinteractiveMode = false Then edit the index.jsp  Coded the HTML script to input output BMI BMI calculator Weight: Height : BMI=                                   Maven build life cycle                                    Keybr profile