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Showing posts from August, 2019

Releases of a project

On 16th Friday the task was to release the changes made to the maven project we were working on so that the Delivery Assurance (DA) team can test it. The steps taken for the project release. Check the project for one last time for cleaning up. Check whether the colleagues changes are also present in the development branch.  After checking confirm the changes are committed to the development branch . Checkout to a new branch tag. eg:                    git checkout -b S12-t realease                   git push --set-upstream origin S12-release                     If all are set we are ready to release. Enter the following command mvn release:prepare -Darguments="-DskipTests" - Dresume=false; -Dresume=false : this means the committed changes will not be pushed if any network error occurs while releasing. Th...

Research Project: AutoComplete Business Places Search Form

RESEARCH PROJECT  AUTOCOMPLETE BUSINESS PLACES SUGGESTING DROP DOWN LIST Date: 09/08/2019 The research is on how to use google powered auto suggest input form to search businesses and show its address too. And a thread has been found on auto completing drop down list on google maps platform. A look alike project on autocomplete for addresses and search terms is there in google Maps Platform for developers. The Steps taken. First of all you need the example code in your PC. Create a test Project in google Console. Autofill-inputbox Then the relevant API enabled in That project console. In this case the "Places API" An API key for a particular project. Tried running with the acquired API in the code and putting the file on tomcat server as a jsp file. Still the billing_error comes. The problem was maps API was not enabled. So that the page didn't load. But when it's enabled the website worked for a several seconds. Returning the ...