On 16th Friday the task was to release the changes made to the maven project we were working on so that the Delivery Assurance (DA) team can test it.
The steps taken for the project release.
- Check the project for one last time for cleaning up.
- Check whether the colleagues changes are also present in the development branch.
- After checking confirm the changes are committed to the development branch .
- Checkout to a new branch tag. eg:
git push --set-upstream origin S12-release
- If all are set we are ready to release.
- Enter the following command
-Dresume=false : this means the committed changes will not be pushed if any network error occurs while releasing. The program will try to build it and fail.
-DskipTests To skip running the tests for a particular project, set the skipTests property to true.
- Make changes in the application.properties file comparing the live.application.properties file.0
- The criteria for numbering the versions
- (_major_changes_).(_sprint_release_).(_fixes&feature_addition_)
- If any major changes took place the 1st number in the version changes.
- At the end of two weeks time a sprint release is done. And the number will be incremented in order.
- When software problems are fixed and new features added (New,Fix,Nit) the third number will be incremented.
- But if a release or a major change took place the other proceeding numbers will be reset to zero.
- 1.36.12 --> 1.37.0
- 1.36.12 --> 2.0.0
- Then the built war file has to be copied and pasted in smb://shared.hsenidmobile.com/apptizer/ with the version number as its directory name.
- Login to https://projects.hsenidmobile.com/login
- choose admin-web
- click wiki tab
- go to version history
- Open Release note > edit the New Features and Enhancements , Branch ,Tag
- Send emails to the DA team mentioning the release location
Email body
Hi {{first-name}},
{{module-name}} {{version}} is now available for testing.
The release contains the feature {{brief-description}}.
Wiki: {{link-to-wiki-page}}
Thanks and Regards,
Subject: {{module-name}} | {{version}}
Subject : Admin-Web | 1.40.0
Admin-Web 1.40.0 is now available for testing.
The release contains the features ActiveForOrderHead button,image view Page,apk bundle download feature and google play bundle generator added.
Wiki: https://projects.hsenidmobile.com/projects/admin-web/wiki/1400
Thanks and Regards,
Wiki: https://projects.hsenidmobile.com/projects/admin-web/wiki/1400
Thanks and Regards,
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