The research is on how to use google powered auto suggest input form to search businesses and show its address too.
And a thread has been found on auto completing drop down list on google maps platform.
A look alike project on autocomplete for addresses and search terms is there in google Maps Platform for developers.
The Steps taken.
- First of all you need the example code in your PC.
- Create a test Project in google Console.
- Autofill-inputbox
- Then the relevant API enabled in That project console.
- In this case the "Places API"
- An API key for a particular project.
The problem was maps API was not enabled. So that the page didn't load.
But when it's enabled the website worked for a several seconds. Returning the hotels near by.
They went off giving the 403 error.
Error 403 (fbidden):The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.The reason for this is google cloud platform offers you limited amount of requests to test your application in the PC. Not more than 10 requests.
Since this method is impossible to work with , next we moved on to using jsfiddle. An online javascript editor.
Jsfiddle demo Site Testing
The page will use the library provided by the Google cloud platform. by the following line of code.
The page will use the library provided by the Google cloud platform. by the following line of code.
This following piece of code bounds the search results to hotels by restricting the types to 'lodging'
function search() { var search = { bounds: map.getBounds(), types: ['lodging'] };
Then the research continued to find out the types of autocomplete criteria we can use to search businesses.
There is a huge list of search bounding types. And these were sub categorized into 3 tables.
Table 1 : Place Types
Table 2 : Additional types returned by the places service.
Table 3 : Types supported in place autocomplete requests.
For business purposes establishment is used as it is mention in the documentation.
instructs the Place Autocomplete service to return only business results.
Changes I made in the example code to run using jsfiddle.
- added Sri Lanka option to the drop down list on the right
- var countries = {'sl': { center: {lat: 7.1, lng: 81.5}, zoom: 6 } }
- function initMap() was changed to initiate the zooming up above Sri Lanka.
Normal place search request
{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }
{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }
- Output- This can be either JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) or XML
- The parameters to be sent
- key - API key of your application
- input -the text input ex:- name , address, phonenumber (you need one of these to search for a place)
- inputtype - can be one of the following
- text_query
- phone_number (international standards)
- You can set other additional parameters too.
- IP bais
- fields
- locationbais
- The Data that can be extracted from google places API are in 3 categories.
- Basic Data
- address_component, adr_address, formatted_address, geometry, icon, name, permanently_closed, photos, place_id, plus_code, type, url, utc_offset, vicinity
- Contact Data
- formatted_phone_number, international_phone_number, opening_hours, website
- Atmosphere Data
- price_level, rating, review, user_ratings_total
- name
- formatted_address
- geometry,
- formatted_phone_number,
- opening_hours
- open - boolean value to show whether it is open or not .
- period[] - 0 to 6 values array to select between 7 Days.
- Open
- Day
- Time
- Close
- weekday_text - array of seven strings representing the formatted opening hours
- website
The Place Id is an important parameter in receiving google map details of any place. Most of the places have its place_id but this value can change from time to time. In that case if someone wishes to use the place id as his search query object it's better to have it recruited from google place API since getting a place_id is free at all times.
when an request is sent to retrieve data about some place here is a json data array that is received at the end of the request session.
{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }
{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0",... } ], "status" : "OK"}
{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }
{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }
{ "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [ { "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : -33.870775, "lng" : 151.199025 } }, ... "place_id" : "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0", ... } ], "status" : "OK" }
The testing examples with google cloud platform was done as such. Next task was to implement the simple page which has
- Search box with autocomplete
- autocomplete suggests only businesses
- Receives and displays the acquired data of a single business.
function initMap() { var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: { lat: -33.866, lng: 151.196 }, zoom: 10 }); var input = document.getElementById('pac-input'); /* The next variable is used to restrict the autoComplete method to
establishments criteria. */
var options = { types: ['establishment'] }; var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options); autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', map); autocomplete.setFields(['place_id', 'geometry', 'name', 'formatted_address',
'formatted_phone_number', 'opening_hours', 'website']); /* map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT].push(input); */ var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); var infowindowContent = document.getElementById('infowindow-content'); infowindow.setContent(infowindowContent); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map }); marker.addListener('click', clickfunc); function clickfunc() {, marker); } autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', placechange); function placechange() { infowindow.close(); var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if (!place.geometry) { return; } if (place.geometry.viewport) { map.fitBounds(place.geometry.viewport); } else { map.setCenter(place.geometry.location); map.setZoom(17); } // Set the position of the marker using the place ID and location. marker.setPlace({ placeId: place.place_id, location: place.geometry.location }); marker.setVisible(true); infowindowContent.children['place-name'].textContent =; infowindowContent.children['place-id'].textContent = place.place_id; infowindowContent.children['place-address'].textContent = place.formatted_address;, marker); var info = document.getElementById("info-table"); document.getElementById('place_name').textContent =; document.getElementById('place_id').textContent = place.place_id; document.getElementById('place_address').textContent = place.formatted_address; document.getElementById('phone_no').textContent = place.formatted_phone_number; document.getElementById('open_time').textContent =
place.opening_hours.weekday_text[0]; document.getElementById('open_now').textContent = place.opening_hours.open_now; } }
For further protection the API key has been restricted to chosen websites. This procedure is done as follows.
- going to credentials tab in the API.
- Selecting Application restrictions as HTTP referrers (web sites)
- Add the file location of your page as shown below.
- __file_url__//home/adrin/adrian_projects/src/search.html
The JavaScript code for populating the values has been replaced by jquery coding.
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