Daily Java Script And jquery Usage
How to get a query Parameter to an Input Field from client side.
HTML code
let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
How to trigger clicked event with the Enter button key press for a Form submit button.
problem : The tab navigation hovers the submit button , but clicking enter button doesn't work since it is not a button tag in html.
document.getElementById('submit-button').addEventListener("keyup", function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
Usual JS function
hello=function() {
return "Hello World!";
return "Hello World!";
JS arrow function
hello= () => { return "Hello World!";
JS arrow function's short form for single return statement functions.
hello = () =>"Hello World!";
hello = (val)=> "Hello " + val;
Single Parameter passing for JS Arrow function.
hello= val => "Hello"+ val;
What About this
AJAX Request Handling
The below mentioned code is a failed attempt to create dynamic data form submission.
function generateJSON() { var products = [];var product = {};var product1 = {};var products1 = []; for (var i = 0; i <${allProducts.products.size()}; i++) { if ($('#eligibleProduct' + i).is(":checked")) { var formData = $('#form' + i);product = getFormData(formData);products.push(product);} } for (var j = 0; j <${allProducts.products.size()}; j++) { if ($('#reward-product' + j).is(":checked")) { var formData1 = $('#rewardProductForm' + j);product1 = getFormData(formData1);products1.push(product1);console.log(JSON.stringify(products1)) } } var eligibleItems = { milestones: $("input[name='eligibleItems.milestones']").val(),products: products };var rewardItem = { count: $('input[name="rewardItems.count"]').val(),groupId: $('input[name="rewardItems.groupId"]').val(),caption: $('input[name="rewardItems.caption"]').val(),products: products1 }; var rewardItems = [];rewardItems.push(rewardItem); var file = { name: $('#name').val(),title: $("input[name='title']").val(),bannerImageUrl: $("input[name='bannerImageUrl']").val(),description: $('#description').val(),businessId: '${businessId}',priority: $("input[name='priority']").val(),status: $("input[name='status']").val(),startDate: $("input[name='startDate']").val(),endDate: $("input[name='endDate']").val(),eligibleItems: eligibleItems,rewardItems: rewardItems }; function getFormData(form) { var unIndexedArray = form.serializeArray();var indexed_array = {}; $.map(unIndexedArray, function (n, i) { indexed_array[n['name']] = n['value'];});return indexed_array;} $.ajax({ type: "POST",contentType: "application/json",url: "/admin/product/plugin/stamp-card.json",data: JSON.stringify(file),dataType: "json",success: function (data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); $('#generated-json-modal').modal('show');$('#json-content').text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));},error: function (data) });}
Copy to clipboard method with jquery prepending.
$("#copy-to-clipboard").click(function () { var el = $('#json-content');el.select();document.execCommand('copy'); });var formGroup = 1; $("#addReward").click(function () { $("#form-Group").prepend(" <div id=\"rewardGroup\">\n" + " <button onclick=\"deleteElement()\"><i class=\"fa fa-times\"></i></button>\n" + " <label>Group Id :</label> <input type=\"number\" name=\"rewardItems[" + formGroup + "].groupId\">\n" + "\n" + " <label>Caption :</label> <input type=\"text\" name=\"rewardItems[" + formGroup + "].caption\">\n" + "\n" + " <label>Count :</label><input type=\"number\" name=\"rewardItems[" + formGroup + "].count\">\n" + " </div>");$('#rewardGroup').attr("id", 'rewardGroup' + formGroup);formGroup = formGroup + 1;});
After some time I changed the way approached the problem. And found the way to use beans and modelAttributes.
There are set of functions which helped creating dynamic form content and checkbox selection and deselection.
function escapeCharacterAdder(id) { return id.replace(/\./g, "\\.").replace(/]/g, "\\]").replace(/\[/g, "\\[");} function selectAllReward(productChkBoxId) { productChkBoxId = escapeCharacterAdder(productChkBoxId); var varianChkBoxId = productChkBoxId.replace(/\.name/g, "\.checkboxes"); $('#' + varianChkBoxId).find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function () { this.checked = $('#' + productChkBoxId).prop("checked"); });} function reverseDeselectReward(name) { var productId = escapeCharacterAdder(name.substring(0, 35).replace(/variants/, "name")); var checkboxId = escapeCharacterAdder(name.substring(0, 35).replace(/variants/, "checkboxes")); if ($('#' + checkboxId).find('input:checked').length > 0) { $('#' + productId).prop('checked', true); } else { $('#' + productId).prop('checked', false); } } function selectAllEligible(loopIndex) { $('#selectbox' + loopIndex).find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function () { this.checked = $('#eligibleProduct' + loopIndex).prop("checked"); });} function reverseDeselectEligible(loopIndex) { if ($('#selectbox' + loopIndex).find('input:checked').length === 0) { $('#eligibleProduct' + loopIndex).prop('checked', false); } else if ($('#selectbox' + loopIndex).find('input:checked').length > 0) { $('#eligibleProduct' + loopIndex).prop('checked', true); } } var regexName = /(rewardItems\[)\d(]\.\w+)(\[\d\]\.\w+)?(.\w+\[\d]\.\w+)?(.name)?/i; //name matching regexvar regexId = /(rewardItems\[)\d(]\.\w+\[\d]\.checkboxes)/i; //id matching regexvar cloneIndex = $(".clonedInput").length; function clone() { $(this).parents(".clonedInput").find('div.margin-top-10.hiding-content').each(function () { $(this).css("display", 'none'); }); $(this).parents(".clonedInput").clone() .appendTo("#form-group") .find("*") .each(function () { var name = this.name || ""; var match = name.match(regexName) || []; var id = this.id || ""; var match1 = id.match(regexId) || []; if (match1.length > 0) { // console.log(match1); this.id = match1[1] + (cloneIndex) + match1[2]; // console.log(this.id); } if ((match.length === 6) && match[3] === undefined) { this.name = match[1] + (cloneIndex) + match[2]; // groupId,caption,count replacer } else if (match[5] === ".name" && match[4] === undefined) { this.name = match[1] + (cloneIndex) + match[2] + match[3] + match[5]; // variant.name replacer } else if (match[4] === undefined && match.length > 0) { this.name = match[1] + (cloneIndex) + match[2] + match[3]; this.id = (this.name); //id :rewardItems1products1name //id :rewardItems[1].products[1].name setting } else { this.name = match[1] + (cloneIndex) + match[2] + match[3] + match[4]; // type.name type.sku replacer } }) .on('click', 'button.clone', clone) .on('click', 'button.togglebtn', toggleDiv) .on('click', 'button.remove', removeDiv).find("button.remove").attr('disabled', false); cloneIndex++;} function removeDiv() { $(this).parents(".clonedInput").remove();} function toggleDiv() { $(this).parents(".clonedInput").find('div.margin-top-10.hiding-content').each(function () { $(this).toggle(); });} $("button.clone").on("click", clone); $("button.remove").on("click", removeDiv); $("button.togglebtn").on("click", toggleDiv); $('#addReward').click(function () { console.log("clicked"); $(".clone.btn.btn-danger").first().click();});
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